Image credit: Vanessa Mayberry Photography. Film: “Ruthless Souls”
The ISO is committed to ensuring Indigenous stories on screens are in the control of First Nations, Inuit and Métis storytellers, who have been historically excluded from the sector for more than a century.
Our priority is to support First Nations, Inuit and Métis storytellers from across Canada including representation from diverse regions, women, 2SLGBQTIA+, emerging creators, and Indigenous language groups. Our approach is relational; we want to hear from applicants about who they are, where they come from and where they are going so that we can enter a relationship with them built on honesty and trust. Read our General Funding Guidelines before applying for funding at the ISO.
ISO funding opportunities are available through two key streams: the ISO Story Fund and Sector Development.
ISO Funding Programs
ISO funding opportunities are available through two key streams
The Story Fund is the core funding program of the ISO, supporting the full cycle of creation, production and dissemination across all screen-based platforms with a focus on Indigenous storytelling and narrative sovereignty.

Story Fund
Supporting Indigenous individuals, companies and communities develop their scripts, research project ideas and content, develop existing IP into screen-ready projects, and undertake protocols and community-based work as part of the development phase.
Supporting the production and creation phase. Production funding are available not just to film and television productions, but also to digital, interactive and emerging technology projects.
Finishing Fund/Marketing Promotion Distribution
ISO offers support and top-up funding for production, post-production, marketing and distribution and digital enhancements for projects that have been funded by ISO, CMF, Telefilm or Canada Council.

Image credit : Riley Smith, “Wildhood”
ISO is committed to supporting a robust Indigenous screen sector, creating opportunities not just for key creatives but for the workforce of professionals that supports screen-based creation.

Sector Development Funding
Sector Development
ISO will partner with companies, non-profit organizations, and communities to create opportunities with the potential for impact across the sector, that will benefit multiple individuals, and will build capacity for Indigenous screen-based creators and workforces.
Netflix Apprenticeship and Cultural Mentorship Grants
ISO has partnered with Netflix to provide funding to support training, professional development and culturally specific approaches for Indigenous on-screen content creators.